Yellow Card Training

Yellow Card Training    

For more information phone

03 5335 8397

Every State in Australia has in place an Occupational Health and Safety Act (OH&S), which aims to protect the health, safety and welfare of people at work.  In these Acts it is clearly stated that there is a duty of care to ensure workplace safety.  In broad terms each State OH&S Act specifically embraces the following:

  • Employers must provide information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees at work.
  • Manufacturers and suppliers of plant must ensure that equipment is safe to use when operated according to manufacturers specifications, and must make available adequate information about the conditions for the safe use of the equipment manufactured or supplied.
  • Employees must co-operate with efforts to comply with OH&S requirements.
  • What this means, in reality, is that there needs to be some form of proof that the operator has been trained in the safe use of an elevating work platform (EWP). Verbal instruction is not an effective method of training as it lacks proof of training evidence. The EWP Operator Training Program or ‘Yellow Card’ is the result of the EWPA helping the industry to comply with the OH&S Act.

How does it work?

The Trained Operator Card is proof of completion in one or more modules in various types of EWPs.  There are five different EWP training modules plus a transport module.

The modules include:

  • Trailer mounted Boom lift - TL
  • Self Propelled Boom lift - BL
  • Vertical Lift - VL
  • Scissor Lift - SL
  • Truck Mounted Boom - TM
  • Transporting (Load Restraint) - T

Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday7:30am to 5:00pm
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